Gambyl NFL Playoffs Divisional Round
Game: France vs Hungary Preview and Predictions

Game: France vs Hungary Preview and Predictions

France vs Hungary

< wpparagraph > <p><p> < wpparagraph > < wpimage id6314sizeSluglargelinkDestinationnone > <figure class=wp block image size large><img src=httpswwwgambylcomwp contentuploads202106hungary 1024x683jpeg alt= class=wp image 6314><figure> < wpimage > < wpparagraph > <p>The second day of group E will feature the match between the <strong>French<strong> team and the <strong>Hungarian<strong> team <strong>France<strong> being the current world champion is the team that has the favorite tag to win this <strong>European Championship<strong> but is accompanied by the teams of <strong>England Portugal and Germany<strong> whom they already defeated on the first date<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>The match between <strong>France and Hungary<strong> will be played this Saturday June 19 2021 at the <strong>Ferenc Puskas Stadium<strong> in the city of <strong>Budapest Hungary<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>How do France and Hungary arrive<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>The <strong>Hungarian<strong> team comes to this game similar to the <strong>Eurocup<strong> with the mission of playing a good role in the matches As it is in the group of death we are all clear that they will not be one of the teams that will advance to the next phase <strong>Hungary<strong> comes from being thrashed by a powerful <strong>Portugal<strong> led by <strong>Cristiano Ronaldo<strong> who scored a double in the final minutes of the match in 87 and 90 + 2 <strong>Hungary<strong> was playing the game of their dreams and they were doing it perfectly without owning the ball and without having the stars that <strong>Portugal<strong> does have within their line up However they managed to maintain a 0 0 equality until minute 84 when <strong>Raphael Guerreiro <strong>opened the account for the <strong>Portuguese <strong>by scoring a goal<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Next you will enjoy the best moments of the last match played by Hungary<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpsyoutubeNf93Kya2JvwtypevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpsyoutubeNf93Kya2Jvw <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong><em>Video courtesy of wwwyoutubecom and the YouTube channel Martin Garvins Pro<em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>For its part the world champion team and the current favorite to win the title of this <strong>Euro 2021 Championship France<strong> comes to this match after playing the most complicated match of the first round against <strong>Germany<strong> The match between these two great teams was not the one we all expected we all wanted an offensive match in which both teams attacked for 90 minutes but it was the opposite <strong>France<strong> only managed to have a 38 possession of the ball and only had 4 chances to score and only 1 of them with a shot on target And this single shot on goal was not the winning goal since they had it 1 0 thanks to an own goal from <strong>Germanys<strong> defender <strong>Matt Hummels<strong> at minute 20<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Next you will enjoy the best moments of the last match played by France<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpsyoutubefn4zbDv231wtypevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpsyoutubefn4zbDv231w <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong><em>Video courtesy of wwwyoutubecom and the YouTube channel Martin Garvins Pro<em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Important game data<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong><em>When is it <em><strong><em>The game will be on Saturday Jun 19 2021<em><li><li><strong><em>What time is it <em><strong><em>The game starts at 0900 hours ET<em><li><li><strong><em>Where <em><strong><em>Ferenc Puskas Stadium Hungary<em><li><li><strong><em>Where can I see it <em><strong><em>ESPN TUDN Radio Sky TSN CTV<em><li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Betting line for France vs Hungary UEFA Euro 2021<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>The match between <strong>France and Hungary <strong>on this date 2 of group F or group of death will be the simplest for the world champion <strong>France<strong> team Even though <strong>France<strong> did not demonstrate supremacy in their first game even having won it against the <strong>German<strong> team their squad is the most complete of the entire tournament While the <strong>Hungarian<strong> team will try to play these matches as a kind of preparation for the matches that lie ahead in the qualifying rounds for the <strong>Qatar 2022 World Cup<strong> That is why the winner token is undoubtedly for <strong>France<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong>Moneyline <em> 344 France +840 Hungary<em><strong><li><li><strong>Goals <em>+212 135 212 102 <em><strong><li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Predictions<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong>France 611<strong><li><li><strong>Hungary 20<strong><li><li><strong>Draw 189<strong><li><ul> < wplist >

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