NFL Superbowl LIX
Leicester City vs. Tottenham – Preview, Predictions, and Lines

Leicester City vs. Tottenham – Preview, Predictions, and Lines

Leicester City vs. Tottenham - Preview, Predictions, and Lines

< wpimage aligncenterid5884sizeSluglargelinkDestinationnone > <div class=wp block image><figure class=aligncenter size large><img src=httpswwwgambylcomwp contentuploads2021052958998 60735888 2560 1440 1024x576jpg alt= class=wp image 5884><figcaption>Leicester City vs Tottenham<figcaption><figure><div> < wpimage > < wpparagraph > <p>With only 2 spots left for the <strong>Champions League<strong> <strong>Chelsea Liverpool and Leicester City<strong> teams are vying for a spot and will fight until the last minute of matchday 38<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>This exciting match where <strong>Leicester City<strong> will host the <strong>Spurs<strong> from <strong>Tottenham<strong> will be played this coming Sunday May 23 2021<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>How do Tottenham and Leicester arrive<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Leicester City<strong> comes to this match with its guaranteed place in the next <strong>Europa League<strong> but this is not all a victory for <strong>Leicester<strong> and a defeat or a draw for <strong>Liverpool<strong> or <strong>Chelsea<strong> on this last day would qualify them directly for the next <strong>Champions League<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Leicester<strong> has just lost its last game this season against <strong>Chelsea<strong> with a result of 2 1 but in their previous game against <strong>Chelsea<strong> they were <strong>FA Cup<strong> champions so <strong>Leicester<strong> reaches this party with the spirits and morale through the roof<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Enjoy the best moments of the last match played by Leicester city<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=Mq8Wj8hvNLAtypevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=Mq8Wj8hvNLA <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong><em><u>Video courtesy of wwwyoutubecom and the YouTube channel The Emirates FA Cup<u><em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>For their part the<strong> Spurs<strong> come to this match without the possibility of any quota not for the <strong>Europa League<strong> and much less for the <strong>Champions League<strong> After the dismissal <strong>of DT José Mourinho<strong> the team has not been able to respond as expected It only remains to define if they finish 7th or 6th in the <strong>Premier League<strong> classification table depending on West Hams result in your next game<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Tottenham<strong> comes into this match after a home loss to <strong>Aston Villa<strong> with a 2 1 score<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Next you will enjoy the best moments of the last match played by Tottenham<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpswwwyoutubecomembedN6z GScWOKYtyperichproviderNameSlugembed handlerresponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type rich is provider embed handler wp block embed embed handler wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpswwwyoutubecomembedN6z GScWOKY <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>The background between Tottenham vs Leicester City<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong><em>The last 3 games<em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpshortcode > wpdatatable id=28 < wpshortcode > < wpshortcode > wpdatatable id=29 < wpshortcode > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Important game data<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>ü <strong><em>When is it <em><strong><em>The game will be on Sunday May 23 2021<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>ü <strong><em>What time is it <em><strong><em>The game starts at 1100 hours ET<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>ü <strong><em>Where <em><strong><em>King Power Stadium England<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>ü <strong><em>Where can I see it<em><strong><em> ESPN DAZN<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Betting line for Tottenham vs Leicester City Premier League Matchday 38<strong> <p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>The <strong>Spurs<strong> are coming into this game with nothing to lose while <strong>Leicester<strong> plays for their chance to the next <strong>Champions League<strong> adding pressure on the players and technical staff <p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong>Spread 1<em>2 Tottenham +12 Leicester<em>Moneyline <em> Tottenham + Leicester<em><strong><li><li><strong>Goals <em>+212 212 <em><strong><li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Predictions<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong><em>Tottenham<em> 339<strong><li><li><strong><em>Leicester<em> 396<strong><li><li><strong>Draw 254<strong><li><ul> < wplist >

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