Gambyl NFL Playoffs Divisional Round
Martinique vs. Canada Preview & Predictions

Martinique vs. Canada Preview & Predictions

Martinique vs. Canada Preview & Predictions

< wpimage aligncenterid6839sizeSluglargelinkDestinationnone > <div class=wp block image><figure class=aligncenter size large><img src=httpswwwgambylcomwp contentuploads202107R 1 1024x680jpg alt=Martinique vs Canada Preview Predictions class=wp image 6839><figure><div> < wpimage > < wpparagraph > <p>One of the most important national team tournaments in <strong>CONCACAF<strong> begins Most teams use this tournament to continue their qualifying rounds for the <strong>Qatar 2022 World Cup<strong> This time we are in group B which comprises the national teams from the <strong>United States Canada Martinique and Haiti<strong> Both teams want to get in tune for the qualifiers to put into practice their different plays both defensive and offensive<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>The first day of the <strong>Gold Cup<strong> will be played by the national teams of <strong>Martinique and Canada<strong> this Sunday July 11 2021 at <strong>Sporting Park in Kansas City<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>How do Canada and Martinique arrive<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Canada<strong> comes to this <strong>Gold Cup <strong>with the conviction to show that its football has progressed in recent years and that in a short time their faces could be seen in front of a team from the <strong>United States or Mexico<strong> <strong>Canada <strong>has won 6 of their last 6 games The most impressive thing is that they have scored 31 goals in this period and only 1 against so <strong>Canada<strong> shows that it has a perfect combination of attack and defense<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Canada<strong> has just defeated the <strong>Haitian<strong> national team in its last game in the <strong>Qatar 2022 World Cup<strong> qualifying rounds with an excellent result of 3 0 In this match the <strong>Canadians <strong>were far superior to a <strong>Haitian<strong> team who managed to shoot at the goal only 1 time during the match<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Next you will enjoy the best moments of the last match played by Canada<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=Fim2Hwsjh2wtypevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=Fim2Hwsjh2w <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong><em><u>Video courtesy of wwwyoutubecom and the YouTube channel OneSoccer<u><em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>On the other hand we have the Caribbean team of <strong>Martinique<strong> who come to this <strong>Gold Cup <strong>hungry to start doing things right for the qualifiers for the next <strong>World Cup<strong> after <strong>Qatar 2022<strong> since they have no chance to go to the next world cup The last match that <strong>Martinique <strong>won was in 2019 when they beat <strong>Cuba<strong> with a 3 0 result<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>The last match played by <strong>Martinique <strong>was the one corresponding to the <strong>2019 CONCACAF Nations League<strong> when they drew 1 1 against the <strong>Honduran<strong> team<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Next you will enjoy the best moments of the last match played by Martinique<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=gnJl9bNbGr0typevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=gnJl9bNbGr0 <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong><em><u>Video courtesy of wwwyoutubecom and the YouTube channel Concacaf<u><em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Important game data<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>ü <strong><em>When is it <em><strong><em>The game will be on Sunday July 11 2021<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>ü <strong><em>What time is it <em><strong><em>The game starts at 1830 hours ET<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>ü <strong><em>Where <em><strong><em>Sporting Park Kansas City EEUU<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Betting line for Canada vs Martinique Gold Cup<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>This <strong>Gold Cup<strong> will demonstrate the level at which the different <strong>CONCACAF<strong> participating teams are who have been on hiatus and watching from home what happened in South America and Europe in the <strong>Copa America and Eurocup<strong> respectively We believe that <strong>Martinique<strong> will have very little chance to score even 1 goal against <strong>Canada<strong> so we predict a comfortable <strong>3 0<strong> win for <strong>Canada<strong> and there could be more<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Moneyline <em> 434 Canada +1100 Martinique<em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Predictions<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong>Canada 825<strong><li><li><strong>Martinique 105<strong><li><li><strong>Draw 7<strong><li><ul> < wplist >

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