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2021 LLA Semifinal: Gillette Infinity vs All Knights

2021 LLA Semifinal: Gillette Infinity vs All Knights


< wpimage aligncenterid5324sizeSluglargelinkDestinationnone > <div class=wp block image><figure class=aligncenter size large><img src=httpswwwgambylcomwp contentuploads202104lol 2jpeg alt= class=wp image 5324><figure><div> < wpimage > < wpparagraph > <p>The <strong>2021 League of Legends Latin American League LLA<strong> playoffs continue today with the semifinal match between <strong>All Knights and Gillette Infinity<strong> The squads will meet in a best of five format much like the quarterfinal match where <strong>All Knights<strong> defeated Rainbow7 with a score of 3 1 This match will take place today April 3 and will be broadcast on all official <strong>LLA streaming platforms<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>How Did Gillette Infinity and All Knights Get Here<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Gillette Infinity <strong>comes from a long wait of two weeks after qualifying second in Phase 2 of the <strong>LLA Open 2021 <strong>league Overall they added a total of 14 points just 1 point behind the leader Furious Gaming and on equal terms with All Knights<strong> <strong>but due to the difference in rounds they classified <strong>second<strong> Gillette Infinity<strong> <strong>came close to qualifying for first place if not for Furious Gamings final win in the last second<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Gillette Infinitys <strong>last game was on March 21 where they beat the already eliminated Rainbow7 In this phase it is worth noting the outstanding and important performance of Uruguayan<strong> Buggax <strong>who together with <strong>White Lotus<strong> assembled the team behind their back and led them to qualify directly to the semifinal of the tournament<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>You can watch the best moments of the last match played by Gillette Infinity at<p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=4G97DuE60KQtypevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=4G97DuE60KQ <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p>On the other side of the screen we will have the powerful and inspired <strong>All Knights<strong> The team comes from defeating Rainbow7 in the quarterfinal match of the <strong>LLA 2021 Open<strong> with a result of 3 1 in the best of five series played The Chilean esports organization All Knights<strong> <strong>started the first game dominating from start to finish as is common at the beginning of the matches Both teams made certain mistakes but it was the <strong>All Knights <strong>players who were able to capitalize on these mistakes and take the triumph<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>In this match it was easily 2 0 which after 32 minutes All Knights closed with 635K in gold 11 towers and 17 kills Rainbow7 team tried to react and turn the game around and got the win with 24 kills and 11 rooks Finally in the fourth game All Knights<strong> <strong>prevailed again with supremacy and crushed all the aspirations of Rainbow7<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>You can watch the best moments of the last match played by All Knights at<p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=s5ut4SG6mcYtypevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=s5ut4SG6mcY <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>The Background Between Gillette Infinity and All Knights<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong><em>The Last 2 Games<em><strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li>Gillette Infinity won one game on March 20 2021<li><li>All Knights won one game on March 7 2021<li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Important Game Information<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong><em>When is it <em><strong><em>The game will be on Saturday April 3 2021<em><li><li><strong><em>What time is it <em><strong><em>The game starts at 1900 ET<em><li><li><strong><em>Where can I watch it<em><strong><a href=httpwwwtwitchtvlla><strong><em> <em><strong><em>wwwtwitchtvlla<em><a><em><a href=httpswwwyoutubecomchannelUC I8d BjKP6MMsYjZhAtjIA> httpswwwyoutubecomchannelUC I8d BjKP6MMsYjZhAtjIA<a> and <a href=httpswwwtwitchtvtvaztecaesports>httpswwwtwitchtvtvaztecaesports<a><em><li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Betting Line for Gillette Infinity vs All Knights LLA 2021 Playoffs<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>While it is true that <strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> qualified second and went directly to the semifinal of the tournament it is not a determining factor in knowing how the teams reach this commitment If we look at the last games of both teams we see that <strong>All Knights<strong> has been increasing its level so much so that they have won 4 of their last 5 games and they were only defeated by <strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> so they may have the secret to victory This game will be very even and we are sure that they will reach 5 games but we place our <strong>winner token to<strong> <strong>All Knights<strong> to play in the finals vs Furious Gaming<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Moneyline <em><span class=has inline color has vivid green cyan color> 113 All Knights <span> <span class=has inline color has vivid red color> 126 Gillette Infinity Esports<span><em><strong><p> < wpparagraph >

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