Inside Look at Gillette Infinity

Inside Look at Gillette Infinity

Inside Look at Gillette Infinity

< wpimage aligncenterid5267sizeSluglargelinkDestinationnone > <div class=wp block image><figure class=aligncenter size large><img src=httpswwwgambylcomwp contentuploads202103gil 1 1024x576jpeg alt= class=wp image 5267><figure><div> < wpimage > < wpparagraph > <p>The Costa Rican team <strong>Gillette Infinity Esports<strong> is an electronic sports organization that was founded in 2009 They entered the <strong>LoL scene <strong>with an official team in 2014 Their previous name was <strong>Infinity Esports<strong> and they now compete under the name of <strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> as the team has an excellent sponsorship with the famous <strong>Gillette <strong>brand<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>Since they entered into the world of <strong>League of Legends Gillette Infinity<strong> has managed to obtain more than USD 60000 in prizes and their greatest achievement has been the classification and participation in the most important event in the world of <strong>LoL<strong> the <strong>2018 World Championship<strong> In this world championship the South Americans managed to finish in<strong> 19th place<strong> where they were eliminated by the team that was in 3rd place Gillette Infinity ended up winning more than USD 450000 in <strong>G2 Esports <strong>prizes After this <strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> has been characterized by being among the 4 best teams of all the tournaments that they have participated in whether it be in <strong>NA<strong> or <strong>SA<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>The Gillette Infinity Roster <strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><em>Mateo Aroztegui<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><em>ID Buggax<em><li><li>Position Top<li><li>Nationality Uruguay<li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><em>Diego Vallejo<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><em>ID SolidSnake<em><li><li>Position Jungle<li><li>Nationality Peru<li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><em>Cristian Quispe<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><em>ID Cody<em><li><li>Position Mid<li><li>Nationality Chile<li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><em>Nicolás Gutiérrez<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><em>ID Kz<em><li><li>Position Bot<li><li>Nationality Chile<li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><em>Matías Musso<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><em>ID WhiteLotus<em><li><li>Position Bot<li><li>Nationality Argentina<li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><em>Gabriel Aparicio<em><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><em>ID Ackerman<em><li><li>Position Support<li><li>Nationality Argentina<li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p>The <strong>LLA Playoffs<strong> began on Saturday <strong>March 27<strong> with the match for the quarterfinals between <strong>Rainbow7 vs All Knights<strong> The winner of the match will face <strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> <strong>Esports<strong> in the semifinals on <strong>Saturday April 3<strong> and the winner of the semifinals will meet in the finals on <strong>April 10<strong> against <strong>Furious Gaming<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> comes in great shape in recent encounters Their participation in Phase 1 of the <strong>LLA Open 2021<strong> was excellent <strong>Infinity<strong> <strong>finished in second place with a record of 10 wins and 4 losses and a total of 10 points<strong> just 1 behind the leader <strong>Furious Gaming<strong> In this first phase <strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> beat all the participating teams except <strong>Estral Esports<strong> with which they were beaten twice Phase 2 went the same way in which they also finished in second place but it was due to the sum of points they brought from Phase 1 They won their matches against <strong>All Knights and<strong> <strong>Estral Esports<strong> and were defeated by <strong>Furious Gaming and Rainbow7<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>In Phase 2 although <strong>Gillette Infinity<strong> started as the leader in the table with their first two victories it was not enough to finish in first place due to the losses they had against <strong>Rainbow7 and Furious Gaming<strong> in their last matches For the sum of points <strong>Furious Gaming<strong> snatched first place The encounter against <strong>Furious<strong> was electrifying <strong>Furious<strong> took a chance and selected <strong>Evelynn<strong> with <strong>Bugl<strong> while Infinity bet a little slower game with <strong>Karthus<strong> with <strong>SolidSnake<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Infinity<strong> managed to force an excellent fight in the middle but <strong>Furious<strong> responded in a very good way and managed to stay with 4 casualties that ultimately gave them the victory <strong>La Calavera<strong> ignored the bonus and due to the pressure of the middle lane they ended the game in their favor<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>You can watch the best moments of the last match played by Gillette Infinity at<p> < wpparagraph > < wpembed urlhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=Vvgh onMCYktypevideoproviderNameSlugyoutuberesponsivetrueclassNamewp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio > <figure class=wp block embed is type video is provider youtube wp block embed youtube wp embed aspect 16 9 wp has aspect ratio><div class=wp block embed wrapper> httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=Vvgh onMCYk <div><figure> < wpembed > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Important Game Information<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wplist > <ul><li><strong><em>When is it <em><strong><em>The game will be on Saturday April 3 2021<em><li><li><strong><em>What time is it <em><strong><em>The game starts at 1900 ET<em><li><li><strong><em>Where can I watch it<em><strong><a href=httpwwwtwitchtvlla><strong><em> <em><strong><em>wwwtwitchtvlla<em><a> and <a href=httpswwwyoutubecomchannelUC I8d BjKP6MMsYjZhAtjIA><em>httpswwwyoutubecomchannelUC I8d BjKP6MMsYjZhAtjIA<em><a><em><em><a href=httpswwwtwitchtvtvaztecaesports><em> <em><em>httpswwwtwitchtvtvaztecaesports<em><a><li><ul> < wplist > < wpparagraph > <p><strong>Betting Line<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>Whether<strong> Gillette Infinity <strong>plays against <strong>Rainbow7 or All Knights<strong> we are sure that they will go out to kill in the semifinal meeting of the <strong>LLA Open 2021<strong> Thus they will be able to dispute the USD 30000 first place prize and so pass to the <strong>Mid Season Invitational 2021<strong> with <strong>Furious Gaming<strong><p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><p> < wpparagraph >

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